ERGOSUM project aims to create new research terrain on contemporary EU-Ukraine relations, embedded within a framework of enlargement studies and Europeanisation and based on intensive collaboration between European and Ukrainian scientists. In so doing, the project aims to raise the quality of joint Euro-Ukrainian research on topics of mutual interest, via joint publications and other collaborative activities for the academic communities, civil society and other stakeholders. To succeed the project will also aim to create stakeholder network (Platform of Expertize), that bring together academics, experts, policy makers, young leaders and civil society from Ukraine and EU. The project also aims to develop a novel methodology, using elements of the EU’s own membership criteria to analyze and assess how Ukraine get through with reforms and transformations on the way to full-fledged EU membership (Evaluation Index). A wide expert network of scientists, politicians, representatives of civil society from Ukraine and the countries of the European Union will be involved in the development of the Index criteria and mechanism of usage. The creation of such network is indicated in goal number 1.